WLGA responds to Fire and Rescue service culture investigations

Wednesday, 05 February 2025

In response to the publication of the independent culture reviews into Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service and North Wales Fire and Rescue Service, Councillor Jason McLellan, WLGA Spokesperson for Community Safety, said:

“The findings of the investigations into the internal cultures of Mid and West Wales and North Wales Fire and Rescue Services are disappointing and concerning. Despite the acknowledgement that improvements had been made in recent years, the reports found significant levels of unacceptable behaviour and practice which have negatively affected staff in both services.”

“The WLGA will review the report and its recommendations in detail and assess wider lessons that need to be addressed. As an associate member, the WLGA will work with and support both Fire and Rescue Authorities in their response to the reports which should be done not only in words but in actions, and in changing cultures to ensure all employees and are treated with dignity and respect in all circumstances.

“The WLGA is also committed to working in social partnership with the Fire and Rescue Authorities, Welsh Government and other partners and will actively engage in discussions on proposals around improvements to Fire and Rescue Authority governance in Wales.”

Categories: News

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