Programme Highlights

Data and Technology

This programme supports Welsh councils in the data and technology aspects of digital transformation. This involves helping digital and technical leaders identify reliable, practical, and cost-effective ways to ensure the technology solutions they are employing deliver service improvements and meet user needs.

Our current programme activities include developing guidance and projects related to artificial intelligence, cyber resilience, data use, smart cities/internet of things, and automated translation and interpretation.


Digital Services

The digital services programme aims to help Welsh councils take advantage of digital capabilities and approaches to develop and improve services. Its goal is to help councils create services that are focused on customer needs, validated early, and iterated regularly to reduce risk and maximise value.

The programme currently includes Digital Transformation Fund projects looking at service improvement and social care, as well as core projects and activities identified through engagement with councils. These include building a toolkit to enable non-technical council officers to conduct usability testing, and scoping a library where good practice and knowledge can be shared.


People and Skills

The aim of the people and skills programme is to support councils to implement a digital culture, maximise the impact of their people on service improvement, and enable customers to take full advantage of those improved services.


  About us

The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) represents the interests of local government and promotes local democracy in Wales.

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Business Hours : Mon - Thurs 8:30 - 5:00, Fri - 08:30 - 16:30