Resources - WLGA/Grant Thornton Toolkits

EU Transition Readiness Toolkit (2020)

Areas to focus on for Business preparation (Appendix A)


The previously prepared Brexit Toolkit has been updated with the EU Transition Readiness Toolkit and is based on the latest available information. It should be read alongside the national guidance provided by the Welsh Government.


As with previous versions of the toolkit this document focuses on three areas where the EU transition is likely to have the most significant impact: Your Organisation, Your Services and Suppliers and Your Place.

Brexit Preparedness Toolkit (2019)


Welsh local authorities have always navigated uncertainty and faced challenges on behalf of communities. While the outcome of Brexit negotiations remains uncertain, it is essential for councils to set a path to ensure the continued delivery of vital services and the best possible outcomes for their local communities and economies.


This toolkit has been designed to provide a comprehensive and consistent approach to support Welsh Local Authorities in identifying and addressing the local implications of Brexit.


Produced in partnership with Grant Thornton, as part of our Brexit Transition Support Programme for Welsh local authorities, the toolkit is intended to support local political and executive decision-makers in understanding the potential risks and opportunities that Brexit poses, ensuring that they are asking the right questions locally and putting in place robust plans on behalf of their communities and businesses.


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The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) represents the interests of local government and promotes local democracy in Wales.

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