Local Government Climate Strategy Panel

A Local Government Climate Strategy Panel has been set up to help lead, support and give strategic overview to decarbonisation work in local government. Working together, the Panel will share expertise, evidence and solutions to ensure investment, strategy and policy are as effective as possible.


The Panel met virtually for the first time during Wales Climate Week (2-6 November 2020) and continues to meet monthly. The Panel is working with Welsh Government to develop ambitious policies for Wales’ next Low Carbon Delivery Plan based on the priority areas for the public sector – procurement, buildings, transport and land use. The Plan is scheduled to be published in autumn 2021. 


Acknowledging there is already lots of good work underway, the Panel does not seek to duplicate existing groups and activity but to galvanise and accelerate change to tackle the climate emergency. The need to work together is a key aim for the Panel, so that authorities can share good practice and lessons learnt, as well as collaborating to reduce demands on resources.


Local government is uniquely placed to both lead by example and also increase public awareness of the scale and pace of change needed to meet the ambitious target of becoming net zero by 2030.


Who are the Panel members?

The Panel comprises representatives from local authorities across Wales who represent their region, members from Welsh Government, Welsh Local Government Association and trade union side along with technical experts.

Region representing Name Organisation
All Wales Tim Peppin (Chair) Corporate Director - WLGA
North Wales Graham Boase Chief Executive - Denbighshire County Council
North Wales Helen Vaughan-Evans Head of Corporate Support Services - Denbighshire County Council
North Wales Steffan Jones Head of Highways, Engineering and YGC - Gwynedd Council
North Wales Geraint Edwards Director of Environment, Roads and Facilities - Conwy County Borough Council
Mid-Wales Emma Palmer Chief Executive - Powys County Council
Mid-Wales Wayne Welsby Lead - Procurement and Commercial Services - Powys County Council
South West Wales Wendy Walters Chief Executive - Carmarthenshire County Council
South West Wales Rhodri Griffiths Head of Place and Sustainability - Carmarthenshire Count Council
South East Wales Mark Shephard Chief Executive - Bridgend County Borough Council
South East Wales Rachael O'shaughnessy Environmental and Sustainability Manaher - Torfaen County Borough Council
All Wales Tegryn Jones National Parks representative
All Wales Clive Walmsley Natural Resources Wales
All Wales Reg Kilpatrick Director of Local Government – Welsh Government
All Wales Claire Bennett Director - Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability - Welsh Government
All Wales Richie Lewis Unison

The Decarbonisation Strategy Panel was set up following a joint statement issued by the Partnership Council for Wales to ensure Wales’ ambition for the public sector to achieve net zero by 2030 is at the forefront of decision-making and post Covid recovery.


For further information contact: Tim Peppin

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The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) represents the interests of local government and promotes local democracy in Wales.

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Mail : enquiries@wlga.gov.uk
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Business Hours : Mon - Thurs 8:30 - 5:00, Fri - 08:30 - 16:30