Affordable Housing

A key part of the local authority strategic housing role is planning for, and facilitating the provision of affordable housing in the area to meet housing need.

This involves a range of different approaches including:

  • rigorous assessment of local housing markets, housing need and housing demand
  • the use of planning powers to ensure that housing developers assist with the provision of affordable private housing
  • partnerships with housing associations to ensure that social housing grant, and other resources, are invested to develop new social housing and low cost home ownership schemes
  • empty homes strategies to ensure that existing homes can be brought into use
  • supporting the improvement of private housing stock with loans, equity release schemes and grants
Assessing affordability and barriers to accessing social housing

The Welsh Local Government Association, Community Housing Cymru and City and County of Swansea Council commissioned the Housing Quality Network to undertake research across the housing sector in Wales and the wider UK into affordability and barriers to accessing social housing, as well as identify best practice and innovation. The findings and recommendations from that research were published in a report and toolkit, see links below.


For more information contact: Jim McKirdle

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The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) represents the interests of local government and promotes local democracy in Wales.

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