Procurement of Services


Modern, outcome based collaborative procurement: A practical legal guide for commissioners and procurement officers


The National Commissioning Board (NCB) working in partnership with Social Care Wales commissioned Léonie Cowen of Léonie Cowen and Associates to set out a legal overview and good practice guide for the public procurement regime for social care services, and which can be equally applied to NHS services. This was originally commissioned to support the Home Care Toolkit but can be read independently having application to other community services.


The motivation for commissioning the guidance is driven by the need to ensure that procurement practice supports the delivery of services in line with the intentions of Welsh Government policy and legislation relating to health and social services. This requires care and support services to focus on achieving wellbeing outcomes that people who need care and support and carers who need support want to achieve.


We want commissioners to work with procurement and legal colleagues to design the most effective procurement arrangements that can secure personalized services capable of delivering the required well-being outcomes of the individual. The purpose of the guidance is to stimulate these discussions to that our procurement arrangements and contracts support our ambition of developing outcomes focused personalized services.

For more information contact: Maria Bell

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