2016 Older person’s care home market analysis


Market analysis: Placements in care homes for older people in Wales in 2016


The analysis is a draft position statement and is not yet complete. Please treat it very much as a draft. The recommendations will be modified in the light of discussions following the initial analysis. Further work has been undertaken a more concise report will be completed in December and will include a Welsh translation. The work was initially piloted in North Wales in May 2016 and the first document contains the tables from the pilot study. The exercise was extended across the rest of Wales in August and the tables from this exercise is included in annex 1. Building on the market analysis of care homes for older people to develop a national reporting framework designed to generate detailed management reports as a matter of routine. 


Draft discussion paper: Improving the quality of information to inform the integrated commissioning of services from Care Homes for Older People


This paper proposes the establishment of a working group to take forward the proposal of developing a national reporting framework on care homes for older people to facilitate the generation of good quality management information on performance, activity and expenditure as a matter of routine for Regional Partnership Boards. The information will also inform both existing and potential providers on the state of the market for care homes (demand and supply). The principles can be applied to all services for all client groups. The main difference is that any future market analysis in relation to other services will be captured and maintained from the start avoiding any further large scale exercises.


Presentation: Identifying the management information required for routine collection


For more information contact: Maria Bell

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