Our Goal

One of the WLGA's core purposes is to promote local democracy

Local Democracy and Governance

"Local democracy must empower our communities to shape local services and priorities"

The WLGA believes that local democracy ensures that services are best provided within a democratic framework of local accountability and that the people who use public services should have as much of a say in the way they are organised, managed and funded as possible.


Local government is the tier of government closest to communities and service users and best able to respond to their needs. Whilst Welsh Government sets the strategy for public services nationally, it is down to local government to deliver services based on local circumstances.


Good governance arrangements are critical to ensure effective decision-making and maintain public trust in the local democratic process. Good governance requires effective political and professional leadership, plus a commitment to openness, partnership and challenge underpinned by self-assessment and robust scrutiny.


In seeking to advance local democracy, the WLGA seeks to shape national funding, policy and legislation, to ensure as much local freedom and flexibility as possible to allow local councils to make service decisions according to local needs and priorities. The WLGA has produced a number of policy documents seeking to influence Welsh Government policy development, including 'Resourcing Local Services 2020-21 - All our communities rely on local government'.


One of the WLGA's primary purposes is also to promote better local government; it provides a range of support to councillors and local authorities to help develop and support councillors, including producing guidance materials and providing training programmes.


The WLGA is also committed to encouraging a greater diversity of people coming forward to stand as candidates ahead of the May 2022 local elections; the WLGA is a partner in the Diversity in Democracy programme and has developed a Be a Councillor. Be the Change. website.

  About us

The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) represents the interests of local government and promotes local democracy in Wales.

  Contact Us

Tel : 02920 468680
Mail : enquiries@wlga.gov.uk
We welcome calls and correspondence in Welsh
Business Hours : Mon - Thurs 8:30 - 5:00, Fri - 08:30 - 16:30