Ukraine - Information and Support

UK Government

Support for family members of British nationals in Ukraine, and Ukrainian nationals in Ukraine and the UK 


Support for family members of British nationals in Ukraine, and Ukrainian nationals in Ukraine and the UK - PDF Version 


Factsheet: Home Office action on Ukraine

Welsh Government

Supporting the people of Ukraine

Legal advice: Ukraine Advice Project UK

Free UK immigration and asylum advice for Ukrainians and their families from lawyers



Welsh Government have published advice if you are a host living in Wales and sponsoring a person or family from Ukraine. More information here. 



A coalition of anti-slavery and human rights groups has launched a new website for Ukrainian refugees in the UK, aimed at keeping them safe from trafficking and helping them adjust to their new home. is a "one-stop shop" of useful websites, helplines, and other information – anything from where to get basic travel and housing advice to opening a bank account and understanding your rights as a worker.  



The Home Secretary Priti Patel issued a statement on March 1 2022 in which she outlines changes to visa processes for family members, as well as a new humanitarian sponsorship pathway for Ukrainians. This will open up a route to the UK for Ukrainians who may not have family ties with the UK but who are able to match with individuals, charities, businesses, and community groups. Those who come under this scheme will also be granted leave for an initial period of 12 months and they will be able to work and access public services.


Also on March 1 2022, the First Minister announced that the Welsh Government will provide £4 million in financial and humanitarian aid to Ukraine, which will help to provide crucial support to many who are in desperate need.


Support helpline

Barnardo’s have launched a free helpline to support Ukrainian families arriving in the UK from Ukraine, telephone 0800 148 8586. Open Monday – Friday 10:00am – 8:00pm and Saturday 10:00am – 3:00pm the helpline is available to anyone fleeing the conflict in Ukraine. It is staffed by English, Ukrainian and Russian speakers, and callers will be able to get help and advice on a range of topics. For those assisting with the Ukraine response, Barnardo's have also set up a dedicated email address and webpage.


How you can help

​​British-Ukrainian Aid, a charity that helps people injured or displaced by the conflict, has opened an appeal to raise £20,000 for medical supplies.


The Work Rights Centre has produced a guide Solidarity with Ukraine which provides some resources for anyone who wants to help, or knows someone who needs help.


Choose Love are appealing for donations for supporting projects who are providing vital aid and services to those still in and fleeing the country, including: emergency medical care, food, shelter, clothes, legal support, support for the LGBTQIA+ community and mental health support. 


Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is calling for donations to support the protection of journalists in Ukraine following the invasion.


The Help Ukraine Emergency Appeal from The Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain (AUGB)’s Go Fund Me. This has been backed by several Ukrainian organisations in the UK.


Help continue to fund English-language journalism in Ukraine by donating to the Kyiv Independent at its Patreon or GoFundMe accounts.


Save the Children’s appeal for donations will allow them to respond quickly in delivering essential humanitarian aid to children and their families, including cash grants, hygiene kits and safe education. Save the Children also have this useful page with advice on how to talk to children about war.


Write to your MP: The Ukrainian Institute in London has a template letter to help you write to UK MPs to push for sanctions and support related to the crisis. You can find your local MPs' contact details here.


The International Rescue Committee is seeking emergency donations to help families in conflict zones around the world, including in Ukraine.


The ​​International Committee of the Red Cross is responding to urgent humanitarian needs and ICRC water engineers and doctors aim to help over 3 million people access clean water and improve the living conditions of those whose homes have been damaged by heavy fighting.


The UNHCR is supporting Ukrainian refugees with emergency shelter, and community and social aid both in Ukraine and neighbouring countries.


Details of a joint call from 50 charities for more action and support.


Wales for Peace in Ukraine - Welsh Centre for International Affairs.

If you have information to share on the situation and support needs of Ukrainians living in Wales, please contact or

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