Police and Crime Panels

Policing and fire governance: guidance for police and crime panels

  • This guidance has been produced for police (fire) and crime panel chairs, members and support officers and those with whom they work. It is intended to provide information about the statutory roles of panels and to highlight good practice that has been developed over the years since panels were first established.

Policing Protocol

  • The Policing Protocol sets out how the new policing governance arrangements will work. It clarifies the role and responsibilities of police and crime commissioners, chief constables and police and crime panels. It outlines what these bodies are expected to do and how they should work together to fight crime and improve policing.

Strategic Policing Requirement

  • The Strategic Policing Requirement (SPR) sets out the national threats and associated policing capabilities required to counter those threats as identified by the Home Secretary. Police and Crime Commissioners will be required to have regard to the Strategic Policing Requirement when issuing the Police and Crime Plan for their force area. Chief Constables will be required to have regard to both the Police and Crime Plan and Strategic Policing Requirement in the delivery of policing services to the area, and the PCC will hold their Chief Constable to account for doing so. The Strategic Policing Requirement has been published in 'shadow' form; the current iteration is a non-statutory document, issued in order to inform Policing Plans being developed for 2012/13 covering the period of transition from Police Authority to Police and Crime Commissioner. From November 2012, the Strategic Policing Requirement will become statutory and may be updated annually where necessary.

Home Office: Candidate Briefing - Working with others within your force area

  • These candidate briefings cover how police and crime commissioners (PCCs) should work with others in their force area.


Below is a list of secondary legislation which has so far been produced.

Police and Crime Panels (Modification of Functions) Regulations 2012

  • These regulations make provision for modifying, suspending, transferring or removing functions of local authorities or Secretary of State in relation to the establishment of Police and Crime Panels

Police and Crime Panels (Notifications, Nominations and Appointments) Regulations 2012

  • These regulations make provision about notifications in relation to compliance with procedure for establishment of the Police and Crime Panel; procedure for nominating and appointing PCP members

Police and Crime Panels (Precepts and Chief Constable Appointments) Regulations 2012

  • These regulations make provision about the scrutiny, by the Police and Crime Panel, of a proposal from the Police and Crime Commissioner as to the issuing of a precept and the appointment of a Chief Constable

Police and Crime Commissioner Election Order 2012

  • In addition to the draft regulations detailed so far, the above draft order has also now been laid before Parliament. The Order contains the rules for the first elections for Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC) to be held on 15 November 2012. The rules cover how to stand for election, the limits on spending by candidates and other campaigners at the election, which donations candidates can accept, which donations have to be reported, and how the election will be run

For more information contact: Rachel Morgan

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