Our Goal

A sustainable and responsive local government workforce


"The sustainability of public services is identified by the sustainability of the workforce delivering them"

Local public services support our communities throughout every day of their lives. Delivering them requires one of the largest and most diversely skilled workforces in Wales.

Our councils employ over 140,000 people. That means around 1 in 9 of the total Welsh workforce is directly employed in delivering the services our communities need.

The future of the local government workforce is challenging. Councils face sustained cuts to their budgets at a time when a rising demand for local services is forcing the need for constant innovation.

To meet the challenges of the future local government must evolve its skill base, develop leaders who can get the best from their staff and design a workforce capable of meeting the demands of constant change.

Across Wales, local councils stand as highly valued and irreplaceable local employers. They must be given the freedom to shape their workforce and services to meet the needs of their local communities. 

We support our councils to share best practice and learning, to offer guidance on employment law, develop workforce skills and to work collaboratively in shaping the local government workforce of the future.

As the Employers organisation for local government in Wales we work to ensure the vital contribution made by local government employees to improving the social and economic health of their communities is protected, and to maintain positive industrial relations within our workforce.

For more information contact: Jenna Redfern

WLGA Consultation Responses
  About us

The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) represents the interests of local government and promotes local democracy in Wales.

  Contact Us

Tel : 02920 468680
Mail : enquiries@wlga.gov.uk
We welcome calls and correspondence in Welsh
Business Hours : Mon - Thurs 8:30 - 5:00, Fri - 08:30 - 16:30