Anti-Social Behaviour

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) covers a range of activity that can blight the quality of life of individuals and communities. As well as making life unpleasant it can also hold back the regeneration of areas and create an environment where more serious crime can take hold. Examples of ASB include:

  • rowdy and nuisance behaviour
  • intimidating gatherings of young people in public places
  • vandalism, graffiti and fly-posting
  • dealing and buying drugs on the street
  • people flytipping and abandoning vehicles
  • anti-social drinking
  • the misuse of fireworks


Local Authorities and Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) across Wales are doing a great deal of work to prevent and tackle ASB in their communities.


The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 gave new powers and a range of new interventions to agencies to address anti-social behaviour, including civil injunctions which replace ASBOs.


The community trigger and community remedy also empowers victims and communities, giving them a greater say in how agencies respond to complaints of anti-social behaviour and in out-of-court sanctions for offenders.


For more information contact: Rachel Morgan

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