Brexit Transition Support Programme for Welsh Local Authorities

The WLGA has been successful in a bid for funding from the Welsh Government’s EU Transition Fund, which was set up to help Welsh public services and business prepare for Brexit. The WLGA will use the £150k funding to deliver a Brexit Transition Support Programme for Welsh local authorities. 


The aims of the programme will be to ensure Welsh local authorities are not duplicating work in preparing for Brexit; ensure all local authorities in Wales are equally prepared for Brexit in key sectors; and to establish a more formalised, two-way programme of communication between local authorities and those planning for Brexit in the Welsh and UK Governments.


Activities under the support programme will include the organisation of events (national and regional), the production of toolkits and other resources, and the commissioning of research, on issues where Brexit will have a significant impact for local government. The programme will be delivered between now and April 2019.


Information about the activities under our Brexit Transition Support Programme and the associated resources will be available on this webpage. The business plan is an evolving document but you are welcome to request a copy of that at any time.



  About us

The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) represents the interests of local government and promotes local democracy in Wales.

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Business Hours : Mon - Thurs 8:30 - 5:00, Fri - 08:30 - 16:30