Market position statements and market shaping

The Market Position Statement (MPS) is seen as one tool used to facilitate an ongoing relationship between commissioners and providers. The two questions needing to be considered by commissioners are:


  • Do we understand our local market and the businesses of our local providers? Do we have a sense of the stability of the market (local service provision)?
  • What activities can we undertake to influence the current and future range of care and support available tailored to respond to specific local issues?


The development of an MPS will be underpinned and informed by a detailed market analysis.


A market position statement is a document which summaries supply and demand in a local area / region, and should inform providers what commissioners plans are. It is intended to be used by providers to inform business choices and plans such as investment and capital or personnel. The information will enable providers to work with commissioners and to plan their business development, understanding the direction the commissioners (local authority and health boards) is taking but also why it is going in that direction and based on what evidence.


Examples of Good Practice:

North Wales Social Care and Well-Being Services Improvment Collaborative

Market Shaping Statement 2018: Care Homes for Older People


Oxford Brookes University - Institute of Public Care

A Case Study - Powys County Council - Planning for the future of older people accommodation in Powys


Powys County Council

Market Position Statement 2017: Accommodation for an ageing population

For more information contact: Maria Bell

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