Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act

The Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act received Royal Assent and became law on 18 January 2016.

The act builds on the success of regulation in Wales and reflects the changing world of social care. It places service quality and improvement at the heart of the regulatory regime and strengthens protection for those who need it. Regulation will move beyond compliance with minimum standards, and focus more on the quality of services and the impact which they have on people receiving them.

The Act provides the statutory framework for the regulation and inspection of social care in Wales. It:

  • Establishes a regulatory regime which is consistent with the changes which are being delivered by the Social Services and Well Being Act 2014
  • Reforms the regulation of social care in Wales by placing people who receive care and support at its centre
  • Reforms the regulation of the social care workforce
  • Reforms the inspection of local authority social services functions
  • Reconstitutes the Care Council for Wales as Social Care Wales with a broadened remit by April 2017
  • Responds to the lessons which have been learnt from the exposure of failures in the system - most recently the Flynn Review

Links: Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act, Social Care Legislation in Wales Information and Learning Hub**

**Provides information and training resources to help social care professionals implement both the Social Service and Well-being (Wales) Act and the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act. Under the banner of ‘Getting in on the Act’, the Hub has been developed by the Care Council and partners. It is part of an initiative to develop a national learning and development plan to support the full implementation of Welsh social care legislation. The hub provides an on-line ‘one-stop-shop’ where a number of resources in different formats can be accessed.

For more information contact: Stewart Blythe

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The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) represents the interests of local government and promotes local democracy in Wales.

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