Waste Benchmarking Project

Local authorities in Wales are annually invited to submit to the Benchmarking Project financial and performance data relating to three waste service areas. The data requested includes:

  • transport costs
  • treatment costs
  • types of containers used
  • number of frontline operatives
  • number and type of vehicles operated

Once collated the data is then analysed and presented as:

The WIP Benchmarking Papers presents the analysis and key findings from the research into these three waste service areas for local authorities to consider implementing to improve service performance and efficiency. The WIP Benchmarking Papers are also explored in further detail and in conjunction with local authorities at meetings of the County Surveyor’s Society Group.

To complement the work of the Benchmarking Project:

  • Events are held where lessons learned in relation to the benchmarking process are discussed and examples of current good practice in waste service are shared. In previous years these events have been held in conjunction with the Wales Audit Office and the County Surveyor’s Society Group
  • The Waste Services Financial Benchmarking Hub has been developed to act as a repository for financial data relating to waste services in Wales

The participation of all 22 local authorities in Wales with the Benchmarking Project, many of whom have implemented or are in the process of implementing the Project’s recommendations, is likely to have helped with the overall progress seen across Wales as a whole in the waste service areas mentioned above and as highlighted in the latest WIP Finance Project Report

For more information contact: Barry Williams

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