Celebration of care and home outcomes event 2021

Art of Commissioning (NDTI / CLS)

  • An introduction to community led support, looks at the projects around the UK which have piloted this work, the principles behind it, aims of the project, resources accessed and how commissioning and commissioners can support and encourage this. 

Community Catalysts

  • A presentation on the benefits of using community catalysts within our health and social care system. Community catalysts support working together with smaller agencies and PA’s with a community based approach to support people. 

Care & Support at home

  • A look at the resource which Social Care Wales have developed around outcomes focussed practice within domiciliary care. Also covers the wellbeing programmes being run by Social Care Wales and the benefits of these for those working within the sector.

A new approach to homecare

  • A presentation on how Wellbeing teams are working to help people live well at home and be part of their community. Wellbeing teams are self managed, value led and community / neighbourhood based.

Alternative Models for Domiciliary Care

  • A look at alternative models of care, with examples from the UK and around the world. 

Medication Administration

  • A presentation outlining the vision and work currently being undertaken by the working group for an All-Wales Medication policy and procedure.  

Cost for Domiciliary care

  • A chance to learn about a new cost matrix for domiciliary care, which has been created and launched by a working group and includes a live run through. 

Evidence from homecare practice development across Wales

  • A presentation on the case studies covered, with insight into how each one has worked so far and what has been learned. 
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The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) represents the interests of local government and promotes local democracy in Wales.

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