Our Goal

Local councils driving local and regional economic growth

Economic Development, Planning, Transport & Regeneration

"A statutory economic development duty will strengthen the important role councils play in developing Wales’ economy"

Local councils play a lead role in improving the economic well-being of Wales.


From supporting local businesses and developing clearer planning frameworks, to the regeneration of areas of historic decline and the delivery of more sustainable public transport networks, council services are vital for improving the health of our economy.


Local government has been tasked with enhancing well-being in Wales, for both current and future generations. To do so they must play a direct role in delivering sustainable and inclusive forms of growth at the local and regional levels.


While councils already work in partnership across their regional economies, they do so at a time when services vital to our economic well-being have experienced budget reductions of up to 50%.


Now is the time to empower local government further. The general power of competence in the Local Government & Elections (Wales) Bill will help to place our councils at the heart of local economic growth and community well-being. 


The significant progress being made by local government in developing new approaches to regional development – including City and Growth Deals in South West and South East Wales and via the Growing Mid Wales Partnership and the North Wales Economic Ambition Board - demonstrates what can be achieved when local councils work together with partners at a regional level.


We work to support these initiatives by influencing national policy, sharing good practice, and identifying vital sources of funding.  - the latter being a major issue in the wake of the UK's exit from the EU.


Our aim is to ensure the importance of local public services in improving our local economies is recognised, and that councils are empowered to get the best possible deal for their local communities.

For more information contact: Tim Peppin

  About us

The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) represents the interests of local government and promotes local democracy in Wales.

  Contact Us

Tel : 02920 468680
Mail : enquiries@wlga.gov.uk
We welcome calls and correspondence in Welsh
Business Hours : Mon - Thurs 8:30 - 5:00, Fri - 08:30 - 16:30