Guidance for Regional Partnership Boards


Draft Guidance: Integrated commissioning of services for families, children and young people with complex needs


Draft Toolkit: Integrated commissioning of services for families, children and young people with complex needs


This draft guidance is the first produced by the National Commissioning Board in Wales targeted at Children’s Commissioning. The focus of the guidance is in recognition of the increasing challenges facing public sector commissioners of children’s services at the highest end of the continuum of need. This is where an integrated approach from partner agencies is essential to successfully negotiate a path through the potential barriers and complexities of creating a cohesive child centred package of care and support that delivers positive outcomes for the child / young person and their family. The intended audience for the guidance are:


  • Children’s Services Commissioners
  • Local Health Board Commissioners
  • CAMHS Commissioners
  • Local Education Authority Commissioners
  • Other service delivery partners (such as youth offending teams) and specifically Regional Partnership Boards in Wales


The guidance is designed to assist the seven Regional Partnership Boards in Wales to develop an integrated approach to the commissioning of services for children and young people with complex needs. Guidance issued under Part 9 of the Social Services & Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 requires Regional Partnership Boards to prioritise the integration of services in relation to children with complex needs due to disability or illness. This guidance is designed to support Regional Partnership Boards with this work.


The draft toolkit (Appendix) provides practical tools that can be used to health check where you are in your region and consider the next steps required to implement changes that can deliver best practice. For each Region it’s likely the planning for what needs to happen next will be different as each is at a different stage of planning and delivery.

For more information contact: Maria Bell

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