Candidates Survey

As part of the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011, local authorities are required to conduct a standardised survey of Councillors and candidates for election to the office of Councillor in their areas. The survey includes both County and Town and Community Councillors and candidates and asks a prescribed set of questions that included (but was not limited to) questions about sex and gender identity; sexual orientation; language; ethnicity; age; disability; religion or belief; health; education and qualifications; employment; and the role of a Councillor. The survey will be repeated during each ordinary election to track changes in Councillors’ and candidates’ characteristics over time.


For information about the survey undertaken in 2022, open here 

This report summarises demographic characteristics of elected Councillors and candidates who were not elected, focusing particularly on characteristics which signal diversity. It is intended that the information provided will support the Welsh Government and the political parties in the development of policies to increase the diversity of those who stand as County and Community Councillors.


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The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) represents the interests of local government and promotes local democracy in Wales.

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