Waste Improvement Programme

The Waste Improvement Programme is funded by the Welsh Government and hosted by the Welsh Local Government Association. The team consists of:


  • Craig Mitchell, Head of Waste Support
  • Jonathan Roberts, Improvement Officer - Waste
  • Emma Shakeshaft, Circular Economy and Waste Officer
  • Barry Williams, Circular Economy and Waste Officer
  • Eve Swindley, Circular Economy and Waste Officer

Since 2007 the Waste Improvement Programme (WIP) has been working with local authorities to assist them to improve the performance and efficiency of their waste services, following four key objectives in the process; evidence, efficiency, improving performance and delivery of wider sustainable principles.


The key role for the programme is to:


  • collect, validate and analyse key performance data, responding to the needs of Welsh Government and partner local authorities;
  • publish that data in a way that ensures its ease of use and maximises its potential for service improvement;
  • inform effective and efficient service design and decisions across all 22 local authorities through the active dissemination of that data in regional events, networks and web based portals;
  • develop tools and resources which make a difference to front line services;
  • allow joint procurement including collaboration; and
  • support the Collaborative Change Programme activity.


For more information contact: Barry Williams

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The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) represents the interests of local government and promotes local democracy in Wales.

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Mail : enquiries@wlga.gov.uk
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Business Hours : Mon - Thurs 8:30 - 5:00, Fri - 08:30 - 16:30