WLGA and ADEW welcome delayed start to History GCSE

Friday, 07 February 2025


The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) and the Association of Directors of Education in Wales (ADEW) have welcomed the decision to delay the introduction of the new GCSE History qualification, originally set for September 2025. The qualification, which includes a greater focus on Welsh history and a broader range of topics, will now be introduced a year later, in September 2026.

The decision follows concerns raised by ADEW, teaching unions, and other stakeholders that the scale of changes in the qualification, particularly in content and assessment, would create a significant workload for teachers. The additional year will allow schools and colleges more time to prepare, ensuring a smoother transition for both staff and learners.


Councillor Lis Burnett, WLGA Education Spokesperson and Claire Homard, ADEW Chair said:

“The WLGA and ADEW jointly welcome the decision by Qualifications Wales, Welsh Government and WJEC to agree a delayed start to the History GCSE qualification, which will now mean first teaching from September 2026. This decision will give time for schools and colleges to prepare appropriately.

“We also welcome the Professional Learning offer to prepare for the new specification to continue as planned, as it will give clarity to schools and colleges on the required resources and approaches to assessment which are key in the teaching of the subject. We will look forward to continuing to work closely with WJEC, Qualifications Wales, Welsh Government, and other key stakeholders to implement these changes within the revised timescale.”

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