WLGA responds to Welsh Government’s bus reform roadmap

Tuesday, 05 March 2024

Cllr Andrew Morgan OBE, WLGA’s Leader and Spokesperson of Transport said:

“On behalf of WLGA, I welcome the objectives set out in the pathway. The pathway reflects a partnership approach between Welsh Government, Transport for Wales, local authorities, bus operators and other key stakeholders.

“Improving the experience of the travelling public is central to the changes proposed. Franchised services, if well designed to reflect need, can benefit not only existing bus users but, importantly, car drivers who are persuaded to switch modes, reducing congestion and pollution. Good bus services can generate social, economic and environmental benefits.

“We need to develop a virtuous circle of increasing passenger numbers leading to increased revenue that can support more services, drawing in yet more passengers over time. By co-ordinating this approach across Wales, and using consistent branding, it can also engender a sense of nationally coherent, accessible and integrated public transport throughout the country.

“Local authorities have a key role to play in supporting this work as it is rolled out over a number of years and we fully recognise the importance of quality, reliable bus services to our communities.”

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The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) represents the interests of local government and promotes local democracy in Wales.

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