Clear timescale needed for schools’ return

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Local government is urging Welsh Government for a clear roadmap to bring more pupils back to school when it is safe to do so.

Welsh Government has already announced the beginning of a phased return to schools from the week commencing Monday 22 February. WLGA is now seeking a clear idea of how other cohorts could return to school to safely resume face to face learning.


Councillor Ian Roberts (Flintshire), WLGA Spokesperson for Education said:

“Welsh Government and local government have worked in close partnership together to prioritise education throughout the crisis. We know how concerning this last year has been for all learners, especially those year groups whose usual assessments and examinations have been disrupted by the crisis and are looking forward to catch up with their education.

“We welcome the fact that returning children to schools rightly remains Welsh Government’s top priority as it is essential for our children’s education and development in their formative years. Last week’s announcement will have provided welcome clarity for learners, their families, and school staff. It’s now important that we work together to have a clear plan of how other age groups and cohorts can safely be returned to school to resume face-to-face learning, when the rate of infection provides enough headroom to safely do so and on the advice of the Chief Medical Officer. Having such a plan would help to give local authorities and schools plenty of time to prepare, and would help to reassure staff, learners and their families of the way ahead.”


Categories: Lifelong Learning News

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