Press Releases

25 Year Anniversary of the establishment of Wales’ 22 local authorities and the Welsh Local Government Association 

Addressing WLGA Council on 25th March, Councillor Huw David (Bridgend), WLGA Presiding Officer said: “The 1st April 2021 marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of our 22 unitary authorities and the WLGA.” “Ordinarily, we would... read more
Thursday, 01 April 2021 Categories: Local Democracy and Governance News

Wales’ councils committed to an Anti Racist Wales 

The WLGA and each of Wales’ councils have signed the #ZeroRacismWales pledge in advance of today’s publication of the Welsh Government’s draft Race Equality Action Plan for Wales and to mark last Sunday’s UN International Day for the Elimination of... read more
Wednesday, 24 March 2021 Categories: Equality and Community Cohesion News

WLGA welcomes continued financial support to councils for flood and coastal erosion management  

Following today’s Written Statement from the Environment Minister on the Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Programme for 2021-2022, Cllr Andrew Morgan (Rhondda Cynon Taf), WLGA Environment Spokesperson said: “Councils and partners... read more
Friday, 19 March 2021 Categories: News

Future Plans for National Armed Forces Day in Wales Agreed  

In partnership with the Welsh Government, the WLGA has been working with the 22 local authorities in Wales to develop a 5 year timetable for the future hosting of Wales’ National Armed Forces Day from 2022 to 2026. The timetable has had to be pushed ... read more
Friday, 19 March 2021 Categories: News

Extra pay for social care workers welcomed 

Following today’s announcement by the Minister for Health and Social Services on a payment of £500 (after deductions) for social care and NHS staff , Cllr Huw David (Bridgend), WLGA Spokesperson for Social Care and Health said: “We welcome... read more
Wednesday, 17 March 2021 Categories: News

Councils commit to ambitious action on diversity 

An ambitious Diversity in Democracy programme has been agreed by WLGA to ensure council chambers are more representative of their communities following local elections in May 2022. On Friday, on the eve of International Women’s Day, WLGA Council... read more
Monday, 08 March 2021 Categories: Local Democracy and Governance News

Clear timescale needed for schools’ return 

Local government is urging Welsh Government for a clear roadmap to bring more pupils back to school when it is safe to do so. Welsh Government has already announced the beginning of a phased return to schools from the week commencing Monday 22... read more
Wednesday, 17 February 2021 Categories: Lifelong Learning News

​WLGA unveils seven key asks to reinvigorate rural communities 

A bold vision for Wales’ rural communities has been launched today by the WLGA, ahead of this year’s Senedd election and a new Welsh Government. WLGA’s Rural Forum, comprised of Wales’ nine rural authorities, has outlined its seven key asks of... read more

Councils welcome 3.8% cash boost for 2021-22 

Local government has today welcomed a positive financial settlement from Welsh Government at the end of an extraordinary year. Councils will see an average of 3.8% increase to their core revenue in 2021-22, representing a £172m year-on-year... read more
Tuesday, 22 December 2020 Categories: Finance and Resources News

School return approach for January 

Following extensive discussions a common approach has been agreed by the Welsh Government and the Welsh Local Government Association for the return to school in January. With transmission levels continuing to increase across Wales, and... read more
Thursday, 17 December 2020 Categories: Lifelong Learning News

The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) represents the interests of local government and promotes local democracy in Wales.

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