WLGA Welcomes Social Care Workforce Survey and Calls for More Investment in the Workforce

Thursday, 05 October 2023

Earlier this year, Social Care Wales undertook the first all-Wales survey of the registered social care workforce with the results published today.


Responding to Social Care Wales’ survey of the registered workforce in Wales, Councillor Huw David OBE (Bridgend), WLGA Spokesperson for Health and Social Care said:


“Social care workers undertake incredible work every day enabling all those who draw on care and support to live a fulfilling life. The fact that social care workers feel valued by the people and families they support is testament to the dedication and commitment that the workforce continues to demonstrate.”


“However, the survey adds further evidence to the need to address the workforce challenges facing us with urgency. The fact that many still reflect that they feel undervalued by the public and underpaid for the work they do remains a cause for concern. We need a workforce who are truly valued, have parity of esteem with NHS workers and are appropriately rewarded for the invaluable work they do. It is essential that we prioritise and invest in our social care workforce, failing to do so will have severe consequences for the future delivery of our essential social care services which play such an important part in many people’s lives.”


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The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) represents the interests of local government and promotes local democracy in Wales.

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