Leadership Programme for Councillors in Wales

The Leadership Programme for Councillors in Wales is the WLGA's flagship development programme for councillors in leadership positions. 


The WLGA Leadership Programme for Councillors in Wales is a place where leaders, and those in leadership positions, can explore the latest thinking in political leadership, and equip themselves with the knowledge and skills they need to rise to these challenges.


Part of the strength of the Leadership Programme is that it provides an environment where elected members from across the political spectrum can meet leading members from other councils and parties and talk about issues that are common to them.


This combination of learning from experts in the field of leadership and from the experience of their peers gives graduates confidence in their abilities and a new network of trusted colleagues.



Programmes are cross-party and restricted to 25 councillors at any one session to ensure maximum participation.


Programme 1 - North Wales [Weekends]

  • Module 1: 26 and 27 October 2024 (residential)
  • Module 2: 16 and 18 November 2024 (virtual, non-consecutive days)
  • Module 3: 7 and 8 December 2024 (residential)


Programme 2 - South Wales [Weekends]

  • Module 1: 18 and 19 January 2025 (residential)
  • Module 2: 22 and 24 February 2025 (virtual, non-consecutive days)
  • Module 3: 22 and 23 March 2025 (residential)


Benefits to you

The programme provides an environment where councillors from across the political spectrum can meet experienced councillors from other councils and parties to discuss common issues. The combination of learning from experts in the field of leadership and from the experience of their peers gives programme participants confidence in their abilities and a new network of trusted colleagues.


The programme is informal and highly interactive, which offers the opportunity for an engaging and thought-provoking learning environment. Each programme is limited to 25 councillors ensuring that everyone has an opportunity to participate.

What previous participants have said about the programme:

“This is by far the best training for members I have been on.”
“I would genuinely recommend this course to all members, it’s outstanding.”
“The session from the council leader was invaluable, practical and inspiring!”
“Excellent, thought provoking, inspired to action.”
 “I enjoyed networking with the many leaders on the course. I look forward to expanding on these newly formed relationships.”
 “Excellent two days. Learned a lot from the presenters and the other delegates. Lots of food for thought.”
 “Lots learned that helped enormously not only in council but in other general life situations also, I wish I had been given this opportunity years ago, I am also promoting to all the benefits of any similar education and training.”

Target audience

This programme is open to senior councillors in Wales, including leaders, leaders of political groups, executive members, opposition spokespeople and scrutiny chairs. Many councils view it as an opportunity to promote succession planning and the development of future lead councillors.


Programmes are cross-party and restricted to 25 councillors at any one session to ensure maximum participation.


We offer 2 guaranteed places per council across the two programmes. Depending on the level of demand we may be able to offer additional places; however, no more than 4 councillors from each council can take part.


How does it work

The Leadership Programme for Councillors in Wales is a modular development programme comprising of three, two-day modules over a three-month period.


Module 1 (residential) focuses on leading through relationships. This module enables participants to identify their personal leadership styles, strengths and weaknesses and explores how councillors can develop, maintain and use relationships (both internal and external) to provide effective leadership at the political, organisational and wider community levels.


Module 2 (virtual, non-consecutive days) looks at leading innovation and change. This module will develop councillors’ ability to lead and manage complex changes to improve effectiveness and efficiency and to achieve better outcomes for their citizens and their communities.


Module 3 (residential) explores leading communities and place. The focus is on helping councillors to communicate with and provide leadership to their communities and within partnerships to achieve growth and prosperity.


Between modules councillors will be encouraged to continue conversations, share developing practice and prepare for the next module. Following the programme, participants will be given opportunities to continue discussions in the action learning sets established during the programme.



The Leadership Programme for Councillors in Wales is provided at no cost to councils and is funded through the WLGA Improvement Programme, a Welsh Government grant funded programme. The WLGA will provide accommodation for councillors on the night between the two days of modules 1 and 3. This will include a single room on a dinner, bed and breakfast basis and will not include the cost of any alcohol.


Councils will need to fund travelling expenses and any additional accommodation and catering required before or after modules 1 and 3. Councillors wishing to make these additional arrangements must do so via their Democratic Services Officer, who will contact the venue directly. Any associated costs must be reclaimed through your council’s usual travel and subsistence process.


How to apply

It is important that you read the frequently asked questions before you book your place.



Your council will have a procedure for prioritising and nominating councillors to attend the programme. We offer 2 guaranteed places per council across the two programmes. Depending on the level of demand, we may be able to offer a first and second reserve place. However, no more than 4 councillors from your council can take part.


  1. Please discuss your nomination with your Democratic Services Officer.
  2. When the Council has decided who will attend, Heads of Democratic Services will email WLGA.Improvement@wlga.gov.uk to provide details of up to 4 nominated councillors. We require the following details for each councillor:
    1. name
    2. email address
    3. position / role within the council
    4. preferred programme (North / South / Either). While we will do our best to secure the preferred location, we cannot guarantee it.
    5. type of nomination (guaranteed place / first reserve / second reserve)
  3. Heads of Democratic Services will receive confirmation of the councillors who have been offered a place. They must then inform the relevant councillors.
  4. Councillors with a confirmed place can book themselves onto the programme through the WLGA website.



Once you have received confirmation of your place on the programme, fill in the registration form below to complete your booking.

When you make your booking, you will supply the Improvement Team at the WLGA, with information about yourself and your requirements on the course. We will only share this data with the course tutors and the hotel where you will stay for the residential part of the course. We will do all we can to protect this data, by only asking for information that we need to deliver the course, by storing and transferring this information as securely as possible and by destroying the information when it is no longer needed.

This privacy policy provides more information about what we do with the data you give us.

One Welsh Public Service

As One Welsh Public Service, we have a shared purpose and shared drivers to achieve a better and lasting quality of life for us all. Find out more here.

For more information contact:




The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) represents the interests of local government and promotes local democracy in Wales.

Tel : 02920 468680
Mail : enquiries@wlga.gov.uk
Business Hours : Mon - Thurs 8:30 - 5:00, Fri - 08:30 - 16:30