Resources – Land Use


WLGA Land Use and Carbon Sequestration Guidance and Tool

The mapping tool forms part of a library of data sets and maps to support councils with understanding the carbon impact of their land and habitat types.

Landscape Character Assessment Database (Landscape Institute)

The Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) database includes over 500 LCAs from local to regional scale across the UK and Ireland.  The openly available resource was developed with the support of Natural England, NatureScot, Natural Resources Wales, Transport Infrastructure Ireland and DAERA Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA).

Design and planning of trees in an urban setting, and in development more widely 

This is particularly relevant in mitigating the impact of climate change in urban areas, using trees to improve air quality and in developing green infrastructure plans.


Urban trees

A dedicated section on Natural Resources Wales’ website outlining the benefits of urban tree canopy cover, including links to NRW assessments.


Technical guidance on urban trees prepared by the Trees and Design Action Group (TDAG) and covering urban tree design for air quality, heat, water, species selection and delivering an urban forest.


Trees, Woodlands and Forests

Guidance from Natural Resources Wales on all aspects of woodland and forests including woodland management and creation, greenspace including a green space tool kit and green infrastructure assessments, with a guide on how to use key NRW datasets.


The Urban Tree Manual and Urban Regeneration Greenspace Partnership provide links to further resources.

Woodland Opportunity Map 2021 (Welsh Government)

The map can support councils when considering new woodland planting opportunities. Its aim is to ensure that trees are planted in the right place for maximum benefit.

Supply chains, land use planning and the circular economy - 2021 (LGiU Members)

This briefing explores the importance of understanding supply chains in order to effectively integrate circular economy goals with land use planning and economic development.

Sustainable and Circular Re-use of Spaces and Buildings - 2020 (European Commission)

This handbook can be a useful tool to lay the foundations for an overall strategy that looks at a new model of urban re-use management following the principles of the circular economy.

Materials to Land in the Circular Economy - 2019 (SEPA)

This framework describes SEPA’s approach to the application of secondary materials to land. 

