WLGA Supports Service Children Awards Cymru

Tuesday, 14 November 2023 Categories: News
Tuesday, 14 November 2023

The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) proudly supported and participated in the inaugural Service Children Awards Cymru, a momentous event held on Saturday 28 October.


Organized by the Veterans Awards CIC in collaboration with SSCE Cymru, and sponsored by Powys Council, General Dynamics, YourNorth, and Forces Fitness, the awards ceremony took place at the Infantry Battle School in Brecon. The occasion was further enhanced by the support of the Army and RAF engagement teams, featuring a spectacular performance by the esteemed band of the Prince of Wales.


In addition to the awards, the event celebrated of the achievements of schools in Wales that have achieved Gold Armed Forces Friendly School Cymru status.


WLGA Spokesperson for Education, Councillor Ian Roberts said:


“The Welsh Local Government Association extends heartfelt congratulations to all the deserving finalists. The celebration was a true testament to the outstanding contributions and sacrifices made by the service children in our community, and we were honoured to share in this special occasion.


We look forward to continued collaboration and support for initiatives that honour and uplift our military community.”
