WLGA Responds to Investigation of South Wales Fire and Rescue Service

Thursday, 04 January 2024 Categories: Community Safety & Fire and Rescue News
Thursday, 04 January 2024

In response to the publication of the independent investigation of South Wales Fire and Rescue Service, the WLGA has issued the following statement:


The WLGA is dismayed and hugely concerned at the findings of the investigation into the internal culture and behaviour in the South Wale Fire and Rescue Service and strongly believes that such behaviour cannot and should not be tolerated in the workplace, nor in wider society.  Members are shocked at many of the examples of completely unacceptable behaviour reflected in the report and are concerned that many people have had such negative experiences working in the Service, with some members of the public also receiving unacceptable levels of service.  This cannot be tolerated and cannot continue. 


The WLGA applauds the bravery and honesty of those who contributed their experiences to the investigation team and believe that significant changes now need to be made to fully implement the recommendations made and bring significant change to the culture and working practices of the Fire and Rescue Service.  There is also a need for all bodies to learn lessons from this report and other recent reports reflecting similar experiences and concerns in other public bodies and other organisations, as no organisation is immune from such instances occurring, and bodies must continually review their culture and internal behaviours to ensure all employees, and members of the public, can expect and receive high standards of behaviour, based on respect, in their dealings with colleagues and public servants.  


The WLGA will review the report and its recommendations in detail and assess wider lessons that need to be addressed.  As an associate member, the WLGA will work with and support South Wales Fire and Rescue Authority, along with the other Fire and Rescue Authorities in Wales, to fully implement the recommendations, not only in words but in actions and in changing cultures to ensure all employees and the public are treated with dignity and respect in all circumstances, and in ensuring no such behaviour is tolerated in the future.  


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