Welsh councils look to UK Government’s Autumn Statement to help plug £411 million gap

Tuesday, 21 November 2023 Categories: Finance and Resources News
Tuesday, 21 November 2023

In anticipation of tomorrow’s Autumn Statement, the WLGA is calling on the Chancellor to recognise the funding crisis which is gripping local government and the wider public sector.


Council services are facing extraordinary pressures due to factors including soaring demand, more complex needs, and rising inflation and costs.


Cllr Andrew Morgan OBE, Leader of the WLGA said:


“Local services are facing a funding gap of £411m which is double the amount that is currently spent on libraries, recreation, and parks. Left unfunded, services would be decimated and we would lose 10% of our workforce which would mean thousands of job losses across Wales of staff that carry out vital roles in our communities.


“It is critical that the government should address the funding crisis in public services and fully fund pay and pensions contributions for teachers to avoid cuts to schools. There should be additional funding for fair pay for social workers and for the soaring demands and costs in social care. Additional resources should be provided to address the cost-of-living crisis faced by our most vulnerable residents and housing support made more generous.


“Whilst we are grateful to the Welsh Government for their support for local government this year, a change of direction is urgently needed by the UK Government to ensure that Welsh public services receive adequate support. Amidst an ongoing cost-of-living crisis, our residents need their local services more than ever, Our plea to the Chancellor is simple: help councils to help communities.”


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