Our Goal

To protect personal, environmental, economic and social well-being through policy, regulation and education

Public Protection Services

"To protect personal, environmental, economic and social well-being through policy, regulation and education. By these means to create a fair and safe living and working environment for our communities"

The Public Protection services of a council include environmental health, trading standards, pollution control, pest control, weights and measures, building control, advice services, licensing, food safety, health and safety and animal health.


They have agreed to focus on a set of National Priorities for Wales, namely protecting individuals from harm and promoting health improvement, ensuring the safety and quality of the food chain to minimise risk to human and animal health, promoting a fair and just trading environment for citizens and business and improving the local environment to positively influence quality of life and promote sustainability.


Public Protection services are on the front line in protecting the public from many diseases, preventing or responding to outbreaks of Legionella and e-coli for example. Whilst unfortunately some outbreaks occur, much successful preventative work is undertaken daily and often goes unseen and unnoticed.


Animal disease outbreaks, such as foot and mouth, avian influenza and even rabies see regulatory services officers called into action to coordinate and enforce emergency control plans to ensure that animal health and legitimate businesses are protected.


The provision of alcohol licenses, the safety of taxi and private hire vehicles and their drivers, weights and measures accuracy, gambling premises, the monitoring of air quality and contaminated land, all fall within the remit of Regulatory Services – to name but a few.


Criminal matters which require further investigation are referred to the relevant local authority’s trading standards services.


Unregulated, illegal money lending (operated by ‘loan sharks’ who charge between 500% and 11,000,000 % interest on loans) is also an issue of concern and an all-Wales unit has been set up to combat this problem. The unit will also provide appropriate support to victims and communities affected, working with other agencies to provide money advice and financial assistance.

Public Protection Services in Wales - Building for the Future

Continuing to Protect the Public and Support Businesses in the Cost of Living Crisis

The Impacts and Outcomes of Local Trading Standards Services in Wales 2023/24 

Environmental Health: Unseen, Essential and Cost Effective

Guidance on the Enforcement of Section 5(1) of the Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products) (Wales) Act 2023 and the Use of the Sanctions provided by the Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products) (Civil Sanctions) (Wales) Regulations 2023

Guidance on the Enforcement of Section 34D of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Use of the Sanctions provided by the Prohibition on Disposal of Food Waste to Sewer (Civil Sanctions) (Wales) Order 2023


For more information contact: Simon Wilkinson
