The WLGA has today welcomed the publication of a report by the National Assembly’s Children, Young People and Education Committee on the extensive inquiry into schools’ funding.
Councillor Debbie Wilcox (Newport), WLGA Leader and Spokesperson for Education said:
“The report is very timely and an important contribution to the ongoing debate on education funding. WLGA will need time to consider the report and its findings in full and will need extensive discussion with members before coming to any firm conclusions.
“There is much in the report that we can welcome and anything that increases clarity and transparency on an issue as important as education funding is a step in the right direction. The recognition of the need for more funding in the education system in Wales and the need to establish a broad understanding of the fundamental cost of educating a child in Wales are particularly welcomed.
“WLGA has consistently argued that schools should be funded through local government and the Revenue Support Grant. Although specific grants have a role, they should be absorbed into the RSG as and when appropriate so as to provide as much flexibility as possible to make decisions based on local circumstances.”
“The report suggests that an additional £120 million is required annually just to get per pupil spending back to pre-austerity levels. Our own estimate show that there will be pressures of £105m in the education system for 2020-21, which will rise to £289m by 2022-23, driven largely by workforce costs. This, along with the uncertainty over the Spending Review and when the Welsh Government will be in a position to publish its own budget, is causing massive anxiety across local government.”
“Local government is committed to working with Welsh Government and the National Assembly to address all of these issues with the aim of raising standards and improving outcomes for learners.”
Notes for Editors:
- The report by the National Assembly’s Children, Young People and Education Committee can be accessed here.