Councillor Development (competency) Framework

This framework broadly outlines the skills and knowledge required by councillors to perform their different roles and provides an indication of how they might carry them out effectively. It is not intended to be exhaustive or prescriptive but to provide a prompt for new and existing councillors to identify areas where they need support. This support could be in the form of information, training, facilitated workshops, coaching and mentoring, or opportunities to learn from observation. The framework is designed to be flexible, so that councillors can work with officers and colleagues to decide the most useful method.


Who is it for?


The framework can be used by all councillors, either individually for personal reflection on their own needs, by member teams to identify what might be useful for a committee or interest group, or with support officers to prioritise training and development needs. Member Support Officers and Training Managers may find the framework useful as a basis for training needs analyses. The framework has been designed to be adaptable to local needs.

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